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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The potato tower looks good. The front has filled in and I even got my first flower.

garden5/15 garden5/27
garden6/8 garden6/18

The potato tower looks good. The front has filled in and I even got my first flower.

gardenMay15,2010 gardenMay27,2010
gardenJune8,2010 gardenJune18,2010
June 29,2010


Saturday, June 26, 2010


Check out the stools I made for the table in the gazebo.
I got the inspiration HERE.
Tutorial HITHER


Saturday, June 19, 2010


I needed some stools for the table in our gazebo.
I was thinking something on the order of these at mypatiogardenfurniture.com, but I'm too cheap to buy them and I couldn't find any easy plan to make them.

So I decided to steal borrow Ana's ladder table plans.
A little tweaking to make it sturdier to sit on and I think we've got a winner.
Here's hers:

And here's mine:

This is how I built them.

Tools I used:                                     Materials:
 Table Saw                                          (2) 6 ft Treated Deck Boards (5/4" X 6")
 Miter Saw                                           2" Deck Screws
 Tape Measure
 Carpenter's Square
 Drill and bit including countersink bit

I pretty much followed Ana's plans except that I made them a little shorter and I used 5/4" treated deck boards instead of  1x3's and 1x2's. This did require ripping some of the boards on the table saw, but I wanted something that would be for outdoors.

This is the cut list of the pieces I used. 

Cut all the pieces to length with the miter saw, then rip all but [2] 14" boards and [2] 10 1/2" boards, which will be used for the seat and bottom shelf, to 2 1/2". [Leave the highlighted pieces full width.]

For all pieces: Drill holes for the screws and use a countersink bit to make depressions in the boards so the screws will countersink. Be sure the rounded side of the boards are all facing to the front for the seat, shelf and legs. For the seat and shelf supports, the rounded edge will be facing down.

Make the seat support by making a box frame with
[2]10 1/2" X 2 1/2" boards and  [2] 5" X 2 1/2" boards.  Square up the piece with the carpenter's square and  use clamps to keep it in place. Make sure the flat sides of the boards are flush [even]. Screw it together using 2" coated deck screws. When you have all the screws in place, remove the clamps and set the middle 5" X 2 1/2" board in and repeat the clamping and screwing process.

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Assemble the seat by placing [2] 14" X 5 1/2" boards on top of the frame you just made and clamp to keep in place, and centered. At all steps be sure to measure, measure, measure, and make minor adjustments as necessary. Drill and screw down as before.

Photobucket Photobucket

Build the shelf support similar to the seat support, except it will be a "ladder type" form instead of a box frame, using [2] 10 1/2" X 2 1/2"  boards and [2] 9" X 2 1/2" boards. Attach the 9" boards 2" from the ends of the 10 1/2" boards, as shown in the image below.


Assemble the shelf in the same manner as the seat, using [2] 10 1/2" X 5 1/2" boards and [1] 10 1/2" X 2 1/2" boards. The cut board will be the rear of the shelf, cut side to the back. The ends of the top boards will be flush with the ends of the 10 1/2" boards. Make sure you have a slightly longer overlap in the front than the back. Again, be sure to measure carefully and clamp in place. Drill and screw together.

Photobucket PhotobucketThis is the finished shelf. Note the cut side at the back.

Cut the legs on the miter saw. Clamp the [2] front legs together and cut first one end at 20°, through both boards. Measure for the length you want and cut the other side parallel to the first side, at 20°. Repeat this process for the back legs, except they are cut at 5°.

Photobucket Photobucket

Assemble the stool beginning with a front leg and back leg on one side. Make sure the rounded edges are facing to the front of the stool. Line up the back leg at the top to the edge of the seat support frame in the back and line up the front leg at the top to the edge of the seat support frame in the front. Here is a nice image from Ana that shows the position.

Clamp in place and drill  and screw together. Repeat for the other [2] legs. Use the carpenter's square to make sure the legs are level with each other, front to back, side to side, and diagonally.

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

 I did have to nip off the front corners at 45°, because it was just too sharp to slide onto next to the table. When I put a finish on these after the wood has dried, I'll sand down the edges a little so that there are no sharp edges.


And here are the finished stools; sans paint and stain.


Friday, June 18, 2010


Here's my horseradish plants. I planted roots 3 years ago, in the spring. This is the first year after harvesting and replanting. The first year I did not harvest any and left the roots alone. Last fall, I harvested the roots and planted back several of the smaller roots like I read to do. So, this year, this is what I got.


The potato tower is coming along nicely. If only I would stop hitting the front with the mower deck, maybe that side would look good too!

gardenMay15,2010 gardenMay27,2010
gardenJune8,2010 gardenJune18,2010


Thursday, June 17, 2010


I needed stools for the table in the gazebo. These are what I made thanks to doing a little tweaking to Ana's plan for ladder tables  at www.knock-offwood.com.
I will stain and paint these after the wood has dried about a month.
A tutorial will be coming on my designs blog.


Saturday, June 12, 2010



Hi there friends!  Rayan - the Frugal Designer here to tell you that your Blogger has been kidnapped...by me!  Not to worry, it's only temporary, I promise to return them shortly and in one piece!  I hope you will come visit them over at my site, I know they would love to see you all and I would be honored to have you as well!  See you soon..Xx Rayan!

Tru here:
"I will be guest blogging on  The Frugal Designer tonight at 9PM CST, my time, (7PM PST)                                                          

Please pop on over and see me. While you're there, check out her site The Frugal Designer
It's one of those blogs that has a lot to offer; not just her own projects, but she also showcases other bloggers' projects as well. She is certainly helping me to get recognized by other bloggers."

Thursday, June 10, 2010


So, here's my idea for a plantable plant stand to put my Strawberry Jar on.

And here's what it would be with the jar on top.

Whatta ya  think? Doable?
I'll let you know in a couple of days.

Check it out HERE. Not a totally successful experiment.