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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


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Remember my Plant Stand

I had entered it in Readymade's Readymade 100 contest.

I received this email yesterday, informing me I was in the 

top 25!

Hello Trudy!
Congratulations! Your fantastic Stacked Tables Plant Stand made it into the top 25 projects of our ReadyMade 100 contest. We worked with local builders and designers (and you, as you might remember!) to bring your project to the pages of our April/May issue, and we’d love to send you a copy. Please send us your address and we’ll get one out to you right away.

We’ll also have a actual prize to send you in the coming weeks, but we’re still working on finalizing the design. In the meantime, if you can fill out the attached release and email it back to me, I’d greatly appreciate it.

Please feel free to spread the word about your inclusion in the story—and stay tuned to readymade.com where you and your work will be featured in the coming weeks.

Thanks so much for entering and for helping to make our new issue one of the best yet!

Your friends at ReadyMade


The people at Readymade made over all the finalists projects and this is their version of mine.

Compliments of Readymade.com

You can see the entire blurb about my project and me HERE.

Thanks to all who voted for my project, way back in December. That's what got me into the top 75, to have a shot at a prize. 

Now that's a great start to the week!


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blog Guidebook

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I just joined the Blog Guidebook.

You can sign up for free until June, 2011

From their site:
The Blog Guidebook is the vision of two friends who want to see the blogging community grow in friendship, creativity and beauty.  Creating a blog whose format is pretty, attractive and a little bit girly.  We want to make it easy for you to find answers to those basic blogging questions, when you just need that little bit of extra help.



If you enjoy reading my posts, leave a comment at the bottom.
I really like getting feedback and respond to every comment or question.
 So please, won't you leave me some footnotes!

S 3-20-2011 - UPDATE S

I had to cover the tops with some plastic, as there are holes in the top as well as the bottom, and too much air was getting in and drying the soil. I had doe one greenhouse in a plastic donut container that  I just cut holes in the bottom and this created the expected condensation  and I already have some kale seedlings coming up.  

Springtime is nearly here, so it's time to start plants indoors. I like to start tomatoes and peppers indoors for sure, because they take longer to get to maturity. I also start some of my herbs, like parsley, since the seedlings are so small that I can't tell if it's the plant I want or a weed, when I plant the seeds directly outdoors.  This year I'm also going to try cantaloupe and cucumber, since I had good luck with starting zucchini last year,  I thought they might do good as well. 
You will need coffee filters, cardboard egg carton, plastic strawberry container (or other fruit container, as along as it has holes in it),  and seeds. Of course you'll also need potting mix, but I didn't want to haul the bag in from the garage, so I just filled a plastic bowl with some to bring in and use.

Place a coffee filter in the bottom of a plastic fruit container. This will catch any stray potting mix, so it doesn't all wash away when you water and create a mess under your greenhouse.

Cut the top and closing flap off the cardboard egg carton and discard or find some other use for them.
Next cut the egg carton bottom carefully in half, so that you two trays of six full cups. Place one tray in the plastic fruit container on top of the coffee filter.

Place some potting mix in each cup. I used a plastic spoon  and found a heaping spoonful to be pretty much what you need.

This is what I did for larger seeds, in this case cantaloupe. Place two seeds in each cup diagonally one way on the top row and the opposite way on the bottom row. That way your plants will have room to grow for awhile before needing to be transplanted. push them down the required distance as stated on the seed packet and cover with a layer of potting mix. For smaller seeds, like kale and parsley, which I planted later, sprinkle a few seeds in each cup and cover with potting mix. These you will most likely thin out later.

For tomatoes, which are more hardy, I did not use individual cups, but just put the potting mix directly on top of the coffee filter. I only put about 3/4" of mix in the container, because as the seedlings grow, I will add more mix, so they develop roots along the stem.

Place the greenhouses in a tray to catch the water that will drip out through he drainage holes. I placed them with the hinged sides to the center, so that after the seedlings start to grow, they can be opened up and one cover will not cover the other greenhouse. Water them well (a sprayer works well for this) and close the tops down and snap in place. I also labeled the plants on some tape applied tight to the drip tray, so the labels would stay put during watering.

Place your greenhouses on or in front of a south facing window. I have a bay window that faces south, so that works well for me. If you don't have a wide sill on your window, put them on a tv table in front of the window. Be sure to put a plastic bag or something  waterproof underneath in case you spill during watering.

There you have it .....
Micro-mini greenhouses!

Have a green thumb St. Patrick's Day!

Linking to:


Saturday, March 12, 2011


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Wendy at a and w gave me back this award that I gave her a couple of weeks ago.  
Thank-you Wendy!

Since this is the 3rd time I am doing this award, I am not following the rules. 
(Oh no, I may go to hell for that one!)  

Anyway, here are a couple more things about me:

1. I graduated 3rd in my class back in high ,but only went on to Technical School. I'm sure most people thought I should have gone to a 4 year college, but I was totally sick of school by that time (I loved school all the way to my senior year and then it was like a switch was pulled and I couldn't wait to get out), and I really couldn't afford it either. 

2. I hate winter. I tell Gary that about every other day during the winter months. I don't usually mind the snow as long as it could be 50° out! This year; however I am totally done with the snow! Too much for too long!


So, I am passing this award on to some more of my followers.  

3. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove  
4. Pam @ Sallygoodin  
5.Cindy @ The Gathering Room  
6. Marissa @ The Design Confidential  

Here are the rules if you care to follow them.  

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award. 
2. Share 7 things about yourself. 

3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers. 
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


If you enjoy reading my posts, leave a comment at the bottom.
I really like getting feedback and respond to every comment or question.
So please, won't you leave me some footnotes!

I'm linking up with one of my new follower's  blog swap linky party.  

The rules are you have to follow 2 new blogs, which shouldn't be a problem, 'cause the blogs in this party are all new to me. If you get a chance click on over and meet some new bloggers.


Friday, March 4, 2011


If you enjoy reading my posts, leave a comment at the bottom.
I really like getting feedback and respond to every comment or question.
So please, won't you leave me some footnotes!

vinterland-3.jpg (rustic,kitchen)
Just my opinion, but does anyone else not like this, or is it just me? I have no problem til I get to the barn board cabinet doors.

Girly Me — acottageinthewoods: charmingages: ...
This would be a great idea for a craft table. You could elegantly label the drawers with craft supply names.

Re-Doing Your Bathroom or Kitchen - Check These Tiles / Pics Roll - Interesting pictures, images, videos, Wallpapers and funny sketches
Kind of a neat idea for a kitchen herb garden, but I'll bet it's expensive.

Kitchen garden at Bolen residence / Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Wouldn't I just love to have a kitchen garden like this!
Kitchen garden at Bolen residence / Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Here's another view.

Google rezultati pretraživanja slika za http://www.irlhomedecor.com/images/french_castle_kitchen1.jpg
This would be nice for a covered porch. Don't think I'd like it for a kitchen or dining room, though.

pretty kitty (pink,kitchen)
All I can say is.... WOW!

Kitchen Color Gallery: Blue Like Berries / Apartment Therapy The Kitchn
I really wish I could pull off something like this in my kitchen, but probably not.

aaa79166_lg_565x414 Kohler Kohler02
Kohler01 Kohler01 CanacMediterino
Now this would be my dream kitchen for a new house. Just couldn’t make it work in our present house. Some of these images are from the Kohler website and some I took myself at the Kohler Design Center.

Have a Dream Filled Day!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


If you enjoy reading my posts, leave a comment at the bottom.
I really like getting feedback and respond to every comment or question.
So please, won't you leave me some footnotes!

Melanie from Creative Art & Design visited my blog and left a comment giving me my second blogging  award. 
Thank-you Melanie!!!

The rules are a little different this time around.

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award. 
2. Share 7 things about yourself. 
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers. 
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!

7 different things about myself

1. I like to make things (Betcha couldn't tell that by my blog, huh?)

2. In a long ago life, I worked as an LPN in a nursing. I have been working the family dairy farm since 1991 with my husband. I DO NOT miss working out.

3. I blog for myself and to share with anyone who cares to read. I don't post on a timetable, only when I have something to share and the time to write it down.

4. I generally don't enter blog giveaways. Just not what I come to the internet for. I make a few exceptions where it is something unique that the blogger has made themselves.

5. I stalk linky parties for ideas. I only wish the pics were bigger, so I can see what the projects are and not have to click on a link only to find it was not something I'm interested in.

6. One of my favorite sites for house ideas is Houzz.com

7. I will most likely never earn money from my blog. As I said, I blog for myself. I don't ever want it to become a full time job that I can't find time to respond to comments from anyone who cares to read. 

These are the blogs I am passing this award onto. I do this in appreciation for them being followers of my blog. 

1. Tasha @  DotDotDot

4. J & A @ Joyful Living

5. Heather @ Feather's Flights

6. Gina @ Labelladiva

9. Tiffany @ Killing Time

11. Judy @ DIY by Design

12. Cindy @ Le Chaise Parfait

13. Leslie @ Night Owl Crafting

15. Wendy @ a & w
