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Sunday, October 17, 2010


I put this on my FEATS blog, even though it's not really my feat. These Morning Glories come back from seed every year. So this is really God's feat. You can click on the images to make them larger, so you can really see.

 It's the middle of October and we have not had a killing frost yet. That is so unusual. These Morning Glories are still blooming everyday, albeit, they are not as lovely as they were when the weather was warmer, they are still hangin' in there! If you look through the door, you can see that these vines take over my potting shed unless I am vigilant about wackin' 'em off, which I was not this year! Ha! That's lazy!

Although; technically, I did plant these years ago, it is God who makes them grow and multiply. Believe it or not, there is a fence under all that vine!

Even my tomatoes are struggling to keep growing.
This is an appropriate post for a Sunday, but good anytime.
Thanks, God,
 for keeping me from having a "black thumb". 
You do good work!


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